Ricardo Furtado
2009-01-07 14:55:01 UTC
I'm developing an application with Visual Studio 2005, using C# and managed
My problem is that, in the application, i need several viewports (for now, i
have just two), and one of then is not working.
The viewport that is working uses TransformedTextured vertexes, but the one
that is not working uses PositionedTestured vertexes, once that i need to
transform everything in this viewport.
I'm after this bug for several weeks.
One of the thing i thought that could be the problem is the World of the
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Transform.World. I thought that the current
world could be other than the world 0, but i tryed all the others, and they
didn't work either.
Can you help me, please?
Here is part of the code (i've selected what i think its important. hope
everything realy important goes here):
public delegate void KeyFunction(Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Key k);
KeyFunction press;
KeyFunction release;
const int divs=7;
const int perfilSuperior = 7;
const int pontosPerfilSuperior = (perfilSuperior-1) * divs;
static string gametitle = "GestCeph - Ajuste dos pontos e linhas";
static int screenwidth = 800; //800
static int screenheight = 600; //600
static bool windowed =true;
static bool graphicslost = false;
static Timer gametimer = null;
static bool paused = false;
float m_bound_image_height = 0;
float m_bound_image_width = 0;
float pos_left=0;
float pos_top=0;
int the_Z=0;
private frmTools m_Tools;
Direct3D.Device graphics = null;
Direct3D.Viewport m_Viewport;
Direct3D.Viewport m_Viewport_amplificado;
DirectSound.Device sound = null;
DirectInput.Device keyboard = null;
DirectInput.Device mouse = null;
DirectInput.Device gameinput = null;
Direct3D.Mesh mesh = null;
Direct3D.Material mtrl;
private String m_Connection;
comunication clsGestCeph;
Imagem m_imagem;
bool m_tenho_imagem = false;
bool m_desenha_perfil_superior = false;
bool m_hold_point=false; //true se o mouse estiver a "segurar" um ponto
bool bool_tmp;
float Medicao_Actual;
float Medicao_Real = 100;
//float zPos = 10;
int contour_color = Color.Red.ToArgb(); //Color.BlueViolet.ToArgb();
int count_pontos = 0;
int m_camera_Z_pos = 0;
Int32 px, py, pz;
String m_cur_img;
String m_str_selected="";
Point defPnt;
Point ptnAjuda;
PointF temp_pointf;
Vector3 m_rato;
//Vector3 m_camera_pos_viewport_amplificado;
//Vector3 m_camera_up_vector_viewport_amplificado;
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Key[] lastpressed = new
Hashtable m_pontos_coordenadas;
Hashtable m_pontos_nome;
Hashtable m_pontos_abreviatura;
Hashtable m_pontos_bezier_left;
Hashtable m_pontos_bezier_right;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resources
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Font windowsfont = null;
Direct3D.Font dxfont = null;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Geometry
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Direct3D.CustomVertex.TransformedTextured[] vertexes_mini_ampliado = null;
//The one that works_________________
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionColored[] vertexColored = null;
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionColored[] lineColored = null;
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] vertexes = null; //The one that
doesnt work_________________
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] vertexes_rect_points = null;
Direct3D.Texture texture = null;
Direct3D.Texture point_texture = null;
Direct3D.Texture mini_texture = null;
// Form
public frmImagem()
m_Viewport = new Direct3D.Viewport();
m_Viewport.Height = screenheight;
m_Viewport.Width = screenwidth - 150;
m_Viewport.X = 0;
m_Viewport.Y = 0;
m_Viewport.MaxZ = 0;
m_Viewport.MinZ = 10;
m_Viewport_amplificado = new Direct3D.Viewport();
m_Viewport_amplificado.Height = 200;
m_Viewport_amplificado.Width = 150;
m_Viewport_amplificado.X = screenwidth - 150;
m_Viewport_amplificado.Y = 401;
m_Viewport_amplificado.MaxZ = 0;
m_Viewport_amplificado.MinZ = 10;
Int32 lRet;
this.Left = 0;
this.Top = 0;
lRet = Win32.SetCursorPos(0, 0);
defPnt = new Point();
ptnAjuda=this.PointToScreen(new Point(1,1));
//if novo
m_pontos_coordenadas=new Hashtable();
m_pontos_nome = new Hashtable();
m_pontos_abreviatura = new Hashtable();
m_pontos_bezier_left = new Hashtable();
m_pontos_bezier_right = new Hashtable();
m_imagem = new Imagem();
clsGestCeph=new comunication();
frmImagem m_form;
m_form = this;
m_Tools = new frmTools(ref m_form);
m_Tools.TopMost = true;
m_imagem.clicked_change_image += new
ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(screenwidth, screenheight);
Text = gametitle;
gametimer = new Timer();
// changes the image in every viewport
public void onChanging_Imagem(object source, EventArgs e,String the_image)
m_cur_img = the_image;
m_tenho_imagem = true;
public void InitializeGraphics()
// set up the parameters
Direct3D.PresentParameters p = new Direct3D.PresentParameters();
p.SwapEffect = Direct3D.SwapEffect.Discard;
if (windowed == true)
p.Windowed = true;
// get the current display mode:
Direct3D.Format current =
// set up a fullscreen display device
p.Windowed = false; // fullscreen
p.BackBufferFormat = Direct3D.Format.R5G6B5; //current; // use
current format
p.BackBufferWidth = screenwidth;
p.BackBufferHeight = screenheight;
p.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
p.AutoDepthStencilFormat = Direct3D.DepthFormat.D16;
// create a new device:
graphics = new Direct3D.Device(0, Direct3D.DeviceType.Hardware, this,
Direct3D.CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, p);
// Setup the event handlers for the device
graphics.DeviceLost += new EventHandler(this.InvalidateDeviceObjects);
graphics.DeviceReset += new EventHandler(this.RestoreDeviceObjects);
graphics.Disposing += new EventHandler(this.DeleteDeviceObjects);
graphics.DeviceResizing += new CancelEventHandler(this.EnvironmentResizing);
m_imagem.changed_Image += new ClickImagemAlterada(this.onChanging_Imagem);
graphics.Transform.View = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(0, this.Width,
this.Height, 0, 10, -10);
// set up various drawing options
graphics.RenderState.CullMode = Direct3D.Cull.None;
graphics.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
graphics.RenderState.AlphaBlendOperation = Direct3D.BlendOperation.Add;
graphics.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Direct3D.Blend.InvSourceAlpha;
graphics.RenderState.SourceBlend = Direct3D.Blend.SourceAlpha;
mesh = Direct3D.Mesh.Teapot(graphics);
mtrl = new Direct3D.Material();
mtrl.Diffuse = Color.White;
graphics.Material = mtrl;
//Creates vertexes
public void InitializeGeometry()
vertexes_mini_ampliado = new Direct3D.CustomVertex.TransformedTextured[4];
vertexes = new Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured [4];
vertexColored = new
vertexes_rect_points = new Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured[4];
Vector3 v;
PointF tmp_point;
int internal_counter;
int contador=1;
foreach (Int32 key in m_pontos_coordenadas.Keys)
tmp_point = (PointF)m_pontos_coordenadas[key];
internal_counter = contador - 1;
v = new Vector3(tmp_point.X, tmp_point.Y, 0);
vertexColored[internal_counter].Color = Color.Red.ToArgb();
vertexes[0].X = m_Viewport.X;
vertexes[0].Y = m_Viewport.Y;
vertexes[0].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[0].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes[0].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes[1].X =(float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
m_bound_image_width = vertexes[1].X;
vertexes[1].Y = m_Viewport.Y;
vertexes[1].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[1].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes[1].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes[2].X = m_Viewport.X;
vertexes[2].Y = (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
m_bound_image_height = vertexes[2].Y;
vertexes[2].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[2].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes[2].Tv = 1.0f;
vertexes[3].X = (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
vertexes[3].Y = (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
vertexes[3].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[3].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes[3].Tv = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].X = m_Viewport_amplificado.X;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Y = m_Viewport_amplificado.Y;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].X =m_Viewport_amplificado.X+
m_Viewport_amplificado.Width; //(float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Y = m_Viewport_amplificado.Y;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].X = m_Viewport_amplificado.X;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Y =m_Viewport_amplificado.Y+
(m_Viewport_amplificado.Height-1); //(float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Tv = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].X =m_Viewport_amplificado.X +
m_Viewport_amplificado.Width; // (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Y = m_Viewport_amplificado.Y +
(m_Viewport_amplificado.Height - 1); // (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Tv = 1.0f;
if (m_tenho_imagem)
texture = Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(
graphics, m_cur_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, Direct3D.Format.Unknown,
Direct3D.Pool.Managed, Direct3D.Filter.Linear,
Direct3D.Filter.Linear, 0);
texture = Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(
graphics, "texture.jpg", 0, 0, 0, 0, Direct3D.Format.Unknown,
Direct3D.Pool.Managed, Direct3D.Filter.Linear,
Direct3D.Filter.Linear, 0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render the current game screen
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected virtual void Render()
if (graphics != null)
// check to see if the device has been lost. If so, try to get
// it back.
if (graphicslost)
catch (Direct3D.DeviceLostException)
// device cannot be reaquired yet, just return
catch (Direct3D.DeviceNotResetException)
// device has not been reset, but it can be reaquired now
graphicslost = false;
graphics.Viewport = m_Viewport;
graphics.Clear(Direct3D.ClearFlags.Target | Direct3D.ClearFlags.ZBuffer,
Color.Black, 1, 0);
graphics.SetTexture(0, texture);
graphics.VertexFormat = Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured.Format;
if (m_tenho_imagem)
graphics.DrawUserPrimitives(Direct3D.PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 2,
//--------------------- Viewport Amplificado ---------------------
graphics.Viewport = m_Viewport_amplificado;
graphics.Clear(Direct3D.ClearFlags.Target | Direct3D.ClearFlags.ZBuffer,
Color.Black, 1, 0);
graphics.VertexFormat = Direct3D.CustomVertex.TransformedTextured.Format;
if (m_tenho_imagem)
graphics.DrawUserPrimitives(Direct3D.PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 2,
//graphics.Viewport = m_Viewport;
// device has been lost, and it cannot be re-initialized yet
catch (Direct3D.DeviceLostException)
graphicslost = true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run the game
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
public void Run()
// reset the game timer
// loop while form is valid
while (this.Created)
// process one frame of the game
// render the current scene
// handle all events
My thanks in advanced
My problem is that, in the application, i need several viewports (for now, i
have just two), and one of then is not working.
The viewport that is working uses TransformedTextured vertexes, but the one
that is not working uses PositionedTestured vertexes, once that i need to
transform everything in this viewport.
I'm after this bug for several weeks.
One of the thing i thought that could be the problem is the World of the
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Transform.World. I thought that the current
world could be other than the world 0, but i tryed all the others, and they
didn't work either.
Can you help me, please?
Here is part of the code (i've selected what i think its important. hope
everything realy important goes here):
public delegate void KeyFunction(Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Key k);
KeyFunction press;
KeyFunction release;
const int divs=7;
const int perfilSuperior = 7;
const int pontosPerfilSuperior = (perfilSuperior-1) * divs;
static string gametitle = "GestCeph - Ajuste dos pontos e linhas";
static int screenwidth = 800; //800
static int screenheight = 600; //600
static bool windowed =true;
static bool graphicslost = false;
static Timer gametimer = null;
static bool paused = false;
float m_bound_image_height = 0;
float m_bound_image_width = 0;
float pos_left=0;
float pos_top=0;
int the_Z=0;
private frmTools m_Tools;
Direct3D.Device graphics = null;
Direct3D.Viewport m_Viewport;
Direct3D.Viewport m_Viewport_amplificado;
DirectSound.Device sound = null;
DirectInput.Device keyboard = null;
DirectInput.Device mouse = null;
DirectInput.Device gameinput = null;
Direct3D.Mesh mesh = null;
Direct3D.Material mtrl;
private String m_Connection;
comunication clsGestCeph;
Imagem m_imagem;
bool m_tenho_imagem = false;
bool m_desenha_perfil_superior = false;
bool m_hold_point=false; //true se o mouse estiver a "segurar" um ponto
bool bool_tmp;
float Medicao_Actual;
float Medicao_Real = 100;
//float zPos = 10;
int contour_color = Color.Red.ToArgb(); //Color.BlueViolet.ToArgb();
int count_pontos = 0;
int m_camera_Z_pos = 0;
Int32 px, py, pz;
String m_cur_img;
String m_str_selected="";
Point defPnt;
Point ptnAjuda;
PointF temp_pointf;
Vector3 m_rato;
//Vector3 m_camera_pos_viewport_amplificado;
//Vector3 m_camera_up_vector_viewport_amplificado;
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Key[] lastpressed = new
Hashtable m_pontos_coordenadas;
Hashtable m_pontos_nome;
Hashtable m_pontos_abreviatura;
Hashtable m_pontos_bezier_left;
Hashtable m_pontos_bezier_right;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resources
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Font windowsfont = null;
Direct3D.Font dxfont = null;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Geometry
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Direct3D.CustomVertex.TransformedTextured[] vertexes_mini_ampliado = null;
//The one that works_________________
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionColored[] vertexColored = null;
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionColored[] lineColored = null;
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] vertexes = null; //The one that
doesnt work_________________
Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] vertexes_rect_points = null;
Direct3D.Texture texture = null;
Direct3D.Texture point_texture = null;
Direct3D.Texture mini_texture = null;
// Form
public frmImagem()
m_Viewport = new Direct3D.Viewport();
m_Viewport.Height = screenheight;
m_Viewport.Width = screenwidth - 150;
m_Viewport.X = 0;
m_Viewport.Y = 0;
m_Viewport.MaxZ = 0;
m_Viewport.MinZ = 10;
m_Viewport_amplificado = new Direct3D.Viewport();
m_Viewport_amplificado.Height = 200;
m_Viewport_amplificado.Width = 150;
m_Viewport_amplificado.X = screenwidth - 150;
m_Viewport_amplificado.Y = 401;
m_Viewport_amplificado.MaxZ = 0;
m_Viewport_amplificado.MinZ = 10;
Int32 lRet;
this.Left = 0;
this.Top = 0;
lRet = Win32.SetCursorPos(0, 0);
defPnt = new Point();
ptnAjuda=this.PointToScreen(new Point(1,1));
//if novo
m_pontos_coordenadas=new Hashtable();
m_pontos_nome = new Hashtable();
m_pontos_abreviatura = new Hashtable();
m_pontos_bezier_left = new Hashtable();
m_pontos_bezier_right = new Hashtable();
m_imagem = new Imagem();
clsGestCeph=new comunication();
frmImagem m_form;
m_form = this;
m_Tools = new frmTools(ref m_form);
m_Tools.TopMost = true;
m_imagem.clicked_change_image += new
ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(screenwidth, screenheight);
Text = gametitle;
gametimer = new Timer();
// changes the image in every viewport
public void onChanging_Imagem(object source, EventArgs e,String the_image)
m_cur_img = the_image;
m_tenho_imagem = true;
public void InitializeGraphics()
// set up the parameters
Direct3D.PresentParameters p = new Direct3D.PresentParameters();
p.SwapEffect = Direct3D.SwapEffect.Discard;
if (windowed == true)
p.Windowed = true;
// get the current display mode:
Direct3D.Format current =
// set up a fullscreen display device
p.Windowed = false; // fullscreen
p.BackBufferFormat = Direct3D.Format.R5G6B5; //current; // use
current format
p.BackBufferWidth = screenwidth;
p.BackBufferHeight = screenheight;
p.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
p.AutoDepthStencilFormat = Direct3D.DepthFormat.D16;
// create a new device:
graphics = new Direct3D.Device(0, Direct3D.DeviceType.Hardware, this,
Direct3D.CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, p);
// Setup the event handlers for the device
graphics.DeviceLost += new EventHandler(this.InvalidateDeviceObjects);
graphics.DeviceReset += new EventHandler(this.RestoreDeviceObjects);
graphics.Disposing += new EventHandler(this.DeleteDeviceObjects);
graphics.DeviceResizing += new CancelEventHandler(this.EnvironmentResizing);
m_imagem.changed_Image += new ClickImagemAlterada(this.onChanging_Imagem);
graphics.Transform.View = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(0, this.Width,
this.Height, 0, 10, -10);
// set up various drawing options
graphics.RenderState.CullMode = Direct3D.Cull.None;
graphics.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
graphics.RenderState.AlphaBlendOperation = Direct3D.BlendOperation.Add;
graphics.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Direct3D.Blend.InvSourceAlpha;
graphics.RenderState.SourceBlend = Direct3D.Blend.SourceAlpha;
mesh = Direct3D.Mesh.Teapot(graphics);
mtrl = new Direct3D.Material();
mtrl.Diffuse = Color.White;
graphics.Material = mtrl;
//Creates vertexes
public void InitializeGeometry()
vertexes_mini_ampliado = new Direct3D.CustomVertex.TransformedTextured[4];
vertexes = new Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured [4];
vertexColored = new
vertexes_rect_points = new Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured[4];
Vector3 v;
PointF tmp_point;
int internal_counter;
int contador=1;
foreach (Int32 key in m_pontos_coordenadas.Keys)
tmp_point = (PointF)m_pontos_coordenadas[key];
internal_counter = contador - 1;
v = new Vector3(tmp_point.X, tmp_point.Y, 0);
vertexColored[internal_counter].Color = Color.Red.ToArgb();
vertexes[0].X = m_Viewport.X;
vertexes[0].Y = m_Viewport.Y;
vertexes[0].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[0].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes[0].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes[1].X =(float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
m_bound_image_width = vertexes[1].X;
vertexes[1].Y = m_Viewport.Y;
vertexes[1].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[1].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes[1].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes[2].X = m_Viewport.X;
vertexes[2].Y = (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
m_bound_image_height = vertexes[2].Y;
vertexes[2].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[2].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes[2].Tv = 1.0f;
vertexes[3].X = (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
vertexes[3].Y = (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
vertexes[3].Z = 0.0f;
vertexes[3].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes[3].Tv = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].X = m_Viewport_amplificado.X;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Y = m_Viewport_amplificado.Y;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[0].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].X =m_Viewport_amplificado.X+
m_Viewport_amplificado.Width; //(float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Y = m_Viewport_amplificado.Y;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[1].Tv = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].X = m_Viewport_amplificado.X;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Y =m_Viewport_amplificado.Y+
(m_Viewport_amplificado.Height-1); //(float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Tu = 0.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[2].Tv = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].X =m_Viewport_amplificado.X +
m_Viewport_amplificado.Width; // (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemWidth();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Y = m_Viewport_amplificado.Y +
(m_Viewport_amplificado.Height - 1); // (float)m_imagem.get_ImagemHeight();
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Z = 0;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Tu = 1.0f;
vertexes_mini_ampliado[3].Tv = 1.0f;
if (m_tenho_imagem)
texture = Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(
graphics, m_cur_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, Direct3D.Format.Unknown,
Direct3D.Pool.Managed, Direct3D.Filter.Linear,
Direct3D.Filter.Linear, 0);
texture = Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(
graphics, "texture.jpg", 0, 0, 0, 0, Direct3D.Format.Unknown,
Direct3D.Pool.Managed, Direct3D.Filter.Linear,
Direct3D.Filter.Linear, 0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render the current game screen
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected virtual void Render()
if (graphics != null)
// check to see if the device has been lost. If so, try to get
// it back.
if (graphicslost)
catch (Direct3D.DeviceLostException)
// device cannot be reaquired yet, just return
catch (Direct3D.DeviceNotResetException)
// device has not been reset, but it can be reaquired now
graphicslost = false;
graphics.Viewport = m_Viewport;
graphics.Clear(Direct3D.ClearFlags.Target | Direct3D.ClearFlags.ZBuffer,
Color.Black, 1, 0);
graphics.SetTexture(0, texture);
graphics.VertexFormat = Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured.Format;
if (m_tenho_imagem)
graphics.DrawUserPrimitives(Direct3D.PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 2,
//--------------------- Viewport Amplificado ---------------------
graphics.Viewport = m_Viewport_amplificado;
graphics.Clear(Direct3D.ClearFlags.Target | Direct3D.ClearFlags.ZBuffer,
Color.Black, 1, 0);
graphics.VertexFormat = Direct3D.CustomVertex.TransformedTextured.Format;
if (m_tenho_imagem)
graphics.DrawUserPrimitives(Direct3D.PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 2,
//graphics.Viewport = m_Viewport;
// device has been lost, and it cannot be re-initialized yet
catch (Direct3D.DeviceLostException)
graphicslost = true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run the game
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
public void Run()
// reset the game timer
// loop while form is valid
while (this.Created)
// process one frame of the game
// render the current scene
// handle all events
My thanks in advanced